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MUTATED MEN TOOK the KEY AND DOMINATING PLACES of distribution of resources, moral and ethical condition of society, implementation of obligations and functions within state organizing, rules of maintenance of consent between citizens and ensuring of implementation of these rules, protection of the HOMELAND.

As a result, style and spirit developed, that stand maliciously against life and vital rules.

Parameters of life sharply reduced and continue to fall catastrophically.


Such "men" dully garbled financial and economic culture AS REPLACEMENT OF THE BASIS OF LIFE.


The norms of humanity and creativeness are IGNORED in the stream of usurpation of the rights to   procreation, the upbringing of cultural, moral, ethical foundations.


The society is coordinated not by qualities of mutual respect, but by secret "acts" of intelligence agencies, by the WHIP, VIOLENCE AND DEATHS.


We REALIZE that there are also the decent men, our sons, that have honor and conscience, that were involved in a whirlpool of destructions; thus, we decided to direct the efforts toward their awareness of their activity against life sources.

We decided to be understanding that they also turned out to be HOSTAGE of mutants which took key positions in society.


The STRANGLEHOLD of VIEWS of the MUTANTS, which became a criterion and a dominant in definition of the civil status, left the mark on a form of the relation of people in society.

The same became a style of the cultural relations between the nations and the states.


The subtle web of cultures of the different nations, that were always living in the commonwealth, became the HOSTAGE of the style that is imposed by destroyers of life fundamentals.


The artists, musicians, poets, scientists, the intellectuals of different branches of culture, of pedagogics and health care, grain-growers, creative people fell under the dictates of inhuman and primitive opinions, attitudes, legal decisions of politicians-mutants.


The put law enforcement agencies, economics, and jurisprudence at the service of their comprehension.

All wars in the world occurred because of male politicians. 

There are no wars in the world history that would be declared by artists, composers, musicians, writers, poets, scientists, grain-growers.


There were no wars in the world organized by women and those who feed all superstructures of society.


Violence became the tone and themes of the destructive style.

Mutants whip up the antagonism of nations towards each other and brazenly hide behind a struggle for justice.

It was they who brought up indignation, the spirit of protest and terrorism among the nations.

It was they who forced young women go to death for the sake of life of children and elderly, impudently calling them terrorists.


The mass media, as a criterion of interhuman and international events, began to echo in tone of the politicians-mutants.


Mutants devalued the definitions of human qualities: honor, conscience, mutual respect, decency, intelligence.


The categories of censure, such as an unconscionable act, dishonorable person, scum, people who have lost conscience, etc., ceased to be the weightiest.


On this basis, vicious unchecked, uncontrolled and unpunished places appeared in state structures, in the media, among cultural figures, in law enforcement agencies, in courts, in law enforcement agencies, in the economic sphere.

Dork culture, art, public opinions and topics of media which are not inspiring to life, are being imposed and promoted.

Have to save children from such "art".


If the citizen causes damage to society, then he/she is made to be responsible.

The criminals are not responsible after hiding in the leadership of the state and law enforcement agencies.


The privileges, lack of control and impunity of mutants, who warmed themselves in the hot spots of political structures, led to the counter-wrath of people who fell under injustice.

This became the reason for the increase in intrastate crime, tension between nations and interstate relations.


WE STAND IN FRONT OF THE FACT of increasing crime on the globe.

The reasons for this lie in the dominance of a destructive style and the eradication of the spirit of love and motherhood.


On the other hand, art that fitting into the style of political themes of mutants, began to foster a spirit of violence, immorality that degrades the dignity of a Human, was filled with low-quality commercial products, that are not harmless in terms of the psychological aspects of the subconscious upbringing of people, youth, children.


A class of low-grade people is manipulating life basis with the economism, either sensibly, or for the commercial motives, or for their spirit, or for political ambitions, and it causes irreparable damage to the cultural heritage of the Human and the nations.

Momentary benefits that entail deep damage to the human heritage and Human habitat are committed maliciously and not punishable where these atrocities fall under the notions of mutant style.


Finally, any person who has suffered moral damage either the group of people, or nation, are deprived of rights in the psychological climate of courts and jurisprudence built on political spirit of mutants.

Sometimes people get hurt by the judging itself and it is impossible to compensate it by any economic means.


The categories of honor, conscience, moral responsibility, shame of an act have been lost because of dominance of the political style of thinking of mutants.

There is no fear of committing meanness, a criminal is not afraid of a court of honor, and public censure does not carry the force of legal punishment.


All moral categories were the greatest achievement of the nations, ethnic groups of people, families.

Moral reprimand was more powerful than the forceful or economic punishment that mutants brought up today.


The nations, states, families began to lose the power of psychological and moral rewards and punishments after BECOMING HOSTAGE of the destructive lifestyle and dictation of mutants.

Sometimes the boorish state behaves as the ungirdled hooligan since the threat of moral censure does not hang over its shameless government, and all courts and laws are in service.

Sometimes a director makes a film that is flawed in moral qualities, knowing that he is morally and legally not punishable.

Politicians behave insolently and write cynical memoirs after causing irreparable moral damage to the people.

Scientists and physicians are working hard and creating means of violence at the behest of mutant politicians.

They are not gnawed by their conscience since they are criminally encouraged by politicians and prepare tools for future crime.

Executors in law enforcement agencies subordinate only to politicians and do not consider about honor and conscience as for their nation, their mothers, children and the international community.

There are countless examples when the court is being tried and violence is being committed against citizens who defend the cultural and moral values of their nation only because they create an alternative to the political dictates of mutants.


We are forced to SAVE women, the elderly, and children who are HOSTED IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS of the scattered type, that is, of selectively defeat and torture in the apartments of the victims.

Mutants-politicians organized these concentration camps, they finance and provide special means to the mutants of secret services: chemical aerosols, bacteriological means, equipment for electromagnetic radiation.


BEING WITNESSES that all wars are organized by mutant politicians, and power is usurped by them so that law enforcement agencies obey them, that the fate of the nations depends on their ambitions and style of thinking, we women are faced with the acute problem of Human survival on Earth and in Space.


KNOWING that there are mutants that use the activities of scientists, biologists, physicians in such a way that they make them criminals for creation of potential means of destroying people and violence, it was decided to announce a call to men having the honor and conscience.


First of all, we appeal to mothers and women working in medicine and biology: do not create damaging biological agents and methods for mutant politicians.

Don’t do it!


REALIZING THAT FACT that art and the media have fallen under the leadership of destroyers and fill all information channels with their inhuman products, in which the spirit of antagonism and violence is directly or indirectly brought up, rudeness, depravity, cynicism are advertised, all this is offered for imitation and brought up in this spirit for the younger generation, we call on mothers to consolidate in the struggle for every inch of their lives.


STANDING IN FRONT OF THE FACT that artists, writers, poets, composers, teachers, educators, scientists, non-formal organizations, cultural and educational communities and all creative forces have become hostages of political parties, in whose hands are concentrated legal, economic and law enforcement rights, it was decided to establish The Court of Mothers.


REALIZING the moral damage already received and the unfavorable ethical legacy from the activities of mutant politicians, as well as cultural and media figures who echo them, REALIZING that the continuation of the human race has become a threat, we call on women, as well as our sons, husbands who have kept honor and conscience, to consolidate and take part in the restoration of the gap created by mutants by their dictatorship, usurpation of power, the right to distribute livelihoods, the right to dispose of the protective forces of society and the upbringing of the culture of nations.

We call to recognize and stop damaging of moral and cultural heritage of all times, all countries and nations.


WE, MOTHERS, ESPECIALLY ADDRESS our SONS – do not promote mutants, keep cultures of vitality, honor and conscience!


We categorically call for SAVING LIFE from a destructive mutation.


For this purpose, The International COMMITTEE of MOTHERS and THE COURT of MOTHERS are established.

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